Recently Philly Pretzel Factory was featured on for the upcoming National Pretzel Day. The article, written by Leah Ingram, details all the Freebees that will be given out Saturday, April 26, including 1,000,000 free pretzels from Philly Pretzel Factory.
Ever wondered about the origins of the pretzel? The birthplace of the American pretzel is thought to be the town of Lititz, Pennsylvania, just outside Lancaster. Supposedly the pretzel, first made by Italian monks in the sixth century, came to the United States from Germany, along with the Pennsylvania Deutsch, now known as the Pennsylvania Dutch.
For the longest time, all pretzels were soft, like the kind that you find for sale on pushcarts in major cities like New York and Philadelphia. Then one night—when, no one is quite sure—a baker fell asleep while making a batch, and overcooked the pretzels. By the morning, they were hard and crispy, much like the modern-day pretzel snack.
Why am I sharing all this pretzel history with you? Because Saturday, April 26 is National Pretzel Day, which means free pretzels, if you know where to go.